The Rebirth plot explores a protagonist’s descent into the darker aspects of their personality. Obsessed with their self-interest, they become callous towards others and blind to reality, falling deeper into darkness. Unlike in the Tragedy plot, the protagonist doesn’t necessarily face inevitable destruction, but rather an opportunity for renewal and redemption.

The Protagonist’s Self-Destructive Path
In the Rebirth plot, the protagonist is initially trapped in self-destructive behaviour and seemingly has no way out. However, as hope begins to dawn, a transformative vision emerges, often in the form of a redeeming figure. This propels the protagonist towards self-discovery and growth as they confront one or more inner flaws.
A Vision for Change Emerges
The protagonist’s immaturity and limited understanding initially draws them into the grasp of a dark influence, resulting in physical or spiritual captivity or enchantment. To escape, they must overcome their deeply ingrained flaws through their Want and Need. The antagonist, their polar opposite, provides the necessary challenges and obstacles to enable them to confront and overcome their flaw(s). The protagonist is placed in a purposeful setting that continually exposes their flaw(s), which ultimately allows them to grow and make progress towards their redemption.
Falling Under a Dark Influence
The protagonist is trapped in their situation by the story’s premise, unable to leave until they have addressed and overcome their flaw(s). Initially, they try to understand and resolve the problem by seeking help and advice, and exploring various solutions. However, as escape becomes unattainable, they give in to their flaw(s) and try to exploit their situation instead of improving themselves.
Indulgence in Vice and its Consequences
As the protagonist realises there are no consequences for their actions, they move from indulging in the enjoyable aspects of their vices to embracing their darker aspects. They take full advantage of others, fully indulging in their fantasies. Although things seem to be going well for a time, the threat remains unresolved and looms in the background. The protagonist’s pursuit of their Want becomes misguided as they fail to learn from their past mistakes. Instead of addressing their flaw(s), they try to manipulate their situation to achieve their Want over their Need, but they are rejected by the object of their desire as they remain consumed by their flaw(s). Their repeated failures lead them to realise that they can’t attain their Want until they change and overcome their flaw(s), but they are still selfish and slow to take action.
Facing the Illusion of Death
The protagonist’s journey reaches a low point when they attain their darkest hour. Rather than face their flaw(s) and change, they opt for death (either literally or figuratively) as an escape. But death proves to be an illusion. No matter how hard they try, they cannot escape (from the consequences of their actions, their situation, or death). The protagonist is trapped in a state of living death, a type of damnation, where they are frozen and seemingly without hope. However, after a long time, a reversal takes place through the life-giving power of love, leading to the protagonist’s miraculous redemption and escape from their dark imprisonment.
Transformative Realisation
The protagonist is rescued from this state by a love interest, who frees them from the grip of the dark power. Emerging from the darkness, they are uplifted into brilliant light, and a vision appears that ignites their will to live and transforms their outlook. The protagonist begins to understand that their life is not the only thing that matters and that they need to let go of their self-centredness. The only way for them to do this is by overcoming their flaw(s), which they now do with grace and determination. They show their newfound selflessness by sacrificing their Want for their Need and finding happiness in their newfound perspective, which they once saw as a curse but now see as a blessing.
The Protagonist’s Ultimate Transformation
The protagonist’s transformation, as a result of the premise’s resolution, leads to their liberation. They now use their newfound wisdom to better the lives of those around them and continue to work on self-improvement. The protagonist’s change is an inevitable outcome of the premise.